
From adulthood to parenthood, or something like that…

41 Weeks and Still Pregnant

So here we are. Forty-one weeks pregnant and still no sign of baby.

If this egg doesn’t start hatching by Saturday night, the State of New Jersey will no longer let me have my home birth and we’ll be back to the original plan of birthing at Morristown Memorial Hospital. For some reason, me trying to explain this to my very round baby-belly has not been working to encourage things along. It’s starting to feel like I’m running out of time. I’m sure this can’t be helping things.

Last Sunday we had a non-stress test with the Midwives. After sitting in a very comfortable chair for 20 minutes, feet up, watching an awful Sunday afternoon movie, my midwife was happy with the results. Baby is healthy, active, and not showing signs of stress. She gave us a couple suggestions of things to try to encourage things, but there is no rush since baby is doing well.

We mentioned to her that both my sister and I were 13 days late and the midwife suggested it could just be a family trait. She has a patient who’s family generally goes 42-43 weeks and that’s just normal for them. She suggested I could blame my mom for my baby’s lateness (like mother, like daughter!), which is fun but doesn’t help relieve the “is that baby here yet?!” pressure.

Oddly and happily, and with the exception of being terribly sick for two weeks, I’ve been and still am rather comfortable. I still get around rather well, although much more slowly than I use to. My main complaint has been trying to roll over in bed and getting up from laying down. Try rolling over with an 8-pound ball attached to your tummy. It’s not easy! Oh yeah, and my belly bumps into things all the time.

At this point, I REALLY miss not being pregnant, being able to wear normal clothes, being able to enjoy wine, sushi, and tuna steaks. Don’t get me wrong, the random conversations with strangers in stores has been fun. I’ve discovered that not everyone in the Garden State pretends that no one else exists and everyone who’s started a conversation with me has been really excited for me and my baby-to-be.

With it being 6:30 PM on the last day of November, Howeberry will most definitely be a December baby. This also means that’s I’ve been pregnant for most of the last year and I’m really ready to not be anymore. The only month I will have not been pregnant in 2010 is January. Joy…

And so we wait. We wait for my body and baby to decide it’s time. We wait for nature to take it’s course.

That does not mean we won’t be trying some of the suggestions we’ve been given. Tonight, we’ll try Chinese food.


November 21

Today is November 21st. November 21st is my due date.

I have to think of it like baking. Just because the recipe says 40 weeks does not mean it’s ready yet. Baking times and ovens vary and it can take up to 42 weeks (before the state of NJ will encourage things along). So now the waiting and wondering begins.

I’ve been told baby’s considered full term at 37 weeks. But somehow a due date just feels so firm in a world that goes by schedules and planned events.  I’ve also been told that first time moms generally go 7-10 days late. So what was unknown before is still unknown and will only become known when little Howeberry decides to make his or her appearance.

Of course this does not mean that I wonder if baby is getting ready every time baby dances in my belly.

I’ve looked and felt like death for the last week. Despite me being very ill, baby has made progress in dropping.  The Midwives said baby was looking good, agreed he/she had started moving down, and said baby’s heartbeat sounded great. So baby has been more or less unaffected by my nasty cold, and has hopefully developed resistance to whatever has filled my head with bottomless phlegm the last 8 days. If anything, I hope baby waits to make his/her way out until I am 100% healthy again and have the energy to labor, push and deliver.

For the sake of my parents’ travel plans, I hope baby is patient and waits until Wednesday the 24th to start making movements.

At 11 PM on November 21, looks like baby will be waiting for another day.

I’m taking bets. When do you think Howeberry will make his or her appearance?


Information Overload

In the last month or so we have been absorbing all sorts of information on labor and birth.

It started with the desire for a doula, a professional support person who could advocate for me during birth. Everything I had read pointed to the benefits of a doula, but this article really drove it home, and was a good resource to direct the husband to: The Doula Business printed in Seattle Woman Magazine. And so began my search.

The second doula I interviewed suggested we take her childbirth class so we would have a better understanding of what we were in for. As I mentioned in my previous post, our first class was amazing. She began introducing us to the Bradley Method of coping and relaxing through labor, and was more informational than any of the hospital birth classes we had attended to that point.

We spent the second week too sick to leave the house. The third week one of our classmates went into labor 6 weeks early, thus class was canceled (our teacher was attending the birth as her doula). In the meantime, my sis told me about the documentary on natural childbirth,  Orgasmic Birth, which we rented and watched, and I worked on my required reading for the childbirth class.

Boy was all this an eye opener!

Take a few minutes to watch Birth by the Numbers, which was an extra on the Orgasmic Birth DVD. About the same time I read a Mothering magazine article about an Amnesty International report on rising US maternal mortality rates. Combined with my reading of The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer, and I’ve learned that one intervention preformed in a now traditional hospital birthing setting leads to another and another, and so on.

One example, if your water breaks and you go to the hospital, they’ll preform routine internal exams to check for dilation. The more internal exams they do after membranes rupture, the higher your risk of infection. If you are not dilating or contracting, they’ll start you on Pitocin, an artificial oxytocin to try to get things moving along. Apparently too much Pitocin can cause increased pain, which leads to an epidural. An epidural can lead to fever, which is generally a bad sign, so they jump to a Cesarian section. This, of course, is not without its own risks of infection and complications like any other surgery.

Nevermind that apparently they’re starting to link increased sustained use of Pitocin in labor to the increase of Autism.

Then there is that Orgasmic Birth video, where they looked at the pros of labor and delivery in the place where most people are comfortable, home. Home and unmedicated with a loving midwife, doula, the dad to be, and maybe another supporting family member. I’ve always wanted a home birth and this video (filmed completely in New Jersey, stress capital of the world, in my opinion) showed me that it could be done, even in the NY metro area.

So, at 34 and a half weeks, with only six weeks to go, I’m re-evaluating the professionals I want attending my birth. I don’t want to make the same mistake of others I’ve read about. Who have terrible first births for lack of knowledge that there is something better. I don’t want to lose control by stepping foot in a hospital, then having to fight with nurses and doctors to make sure no interventions are preformed against my will. I want to be comfortable and to feel safe in my surroundings during this rite of passage. Pregnancy and birth are natural processes of life, and I feel like I shouldn’t be placed under a microscope as long as baby and I are doing well.

After all, my family will be impacted by the birth of my baby and we will be paying the bill. Might as well be comfortable and happy with the where and how choices we’ve made to bring the new little person into the world.